My Divine Assignment: To Encourage Others

A dear friend who has gone to be with the Lord once told me I was her Barnabas which Biblically means "encourager." I never saw myself like that, but as I've grown in my walk with the Lord it seems that is my desire. I hope that what I share here will be an encouragement to you as we trust the Lord - for great is His Faithfulness.

My Divine Assignment: To Encourage Others.
In Christ's Love, Shelley

KEEP His JOY IN TRIALS, TEARS & TRIUMPHS ~~ A WOMAN'S HEART SHOULD BE SO COMPLETELY LOST IN God THAT A MAN MUST SEEK Him TO FIND HER ~~ Our desire to learn God's Word must be greater than our need to breathe ~~

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No Comment

This is a phrase we may use when we don't want to answer a question or when the answer we might give is better left unsaid.  The Lord has been teaching me a great deal lately about "no comment."  The great thing about that is that "I get it" although it would have been greatly beneficial I'm sure if I'd "gotten it" many years ago.  
How precious is the thought that God continues to pursue our hearts to bring us into the likeness of Christ.  Although the lessons aren't always pleasant, they are worth it.  This lesson has not been painful just too long to get it.
My "no comment" moments have come about when there's a thought in my head that I "feel the need to share" but that still small Voice says, "What is your purpose for saying that?"  Well, if that prompting doesn't get your attention, you definitely are not listening.  Hearing that Voice actually makes me smile now because it brings to mind the acronym THINK.  Is it Truthful, Helpful, Important, Necessary, Kind ?  I do like to converse with others but am finding that there are things that just don't need to be said.  One of my earliest posts referenced this verse:  Be still and know that I am God.  I'm learning to be still physically more than I used to and God is also leading me to be still with my words.  The perfect thought for those "no comment" moments: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.  Psalm 19:14