I am reading through The Uncluttered Heart - making room for God during Advent & Christmas by Beth Richardson again this year. A few days ago there was reference to times of silence before God. In Beth's early walk with the Lord, as she attempted to be silent before God, she wrote this: "my brain chattered louder during the silent times than when I was engaged in conversation...a wave of thoughts & emotions tended to drown out anything God might be wanting to say to me." OH BOY, does that sound like me !!! And I'm sure many young mothers feel this way often.
Beth goes on to share: "...we can & need to carve out space & time to sit in silence (include your children in the practice of quiet time), to quiet our inner noise & turn toward God. When feeling overwhelmed & hurried, turn your attention inward, close your ears to outward noise, take deep breaths & come into the welcoming silence of the Heart of God." Like anything we do, it takes commitment & practice to grow in a discipline (a topic for an upcoming post.)
Beth includes this prayer. I encourage you to copy & place it in a prominent place to remind you. "God of stillness, it's easy to overlook you in these busy days. Create in me a longing for your quiet presence, that I may stop, breathe, & listen for Your Wisdom & Instruction. Amen."
Mark 6:31 Jesus said, "Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place & get some rest."
Psalm 46:10 "Be still (cease striving/return/let go of your concerns) & know that I am God."
Let me know if I can pray for you in this way & please pray for me, also.
Image: freedigital.com