My Divine Assignment: To Encourage Others

A dear friend who has gone to be with the Lord once told me I was her Barnabas which Biblically means "encourager." I never saw myself like that, but as I've grown in my walk with the Lord it seems that is my desire. I hope that what I share here will be an encouragement to you as we trust the Lord - for great is His Faithfulness.

My Divine Assignment: To Encourage Others.
In Christ's Love, Shelley

KEEP His JOY IN TRIALS, TEARS & TRIUMPHS ~~ A WOMAN'S HEART SHOULD BE SO COMPLETELY LOST IN God THAT A MAN MUST SEEK Him TO FIND HER ~~ Our desire to learn God's Word must be greater than our need to breathe ~~

Monday, May 23, 2011

WHY ME ?????

I can't tell you how long ago I saw this cartoon in the paper but it's been YEARS & I've never forgotten it. Actually, the longer I walk with the Lord the more true it rings. With all the horrific weather that's been going on here in the U.S. I'm sure "Why me, why us?" has been on the lips of many & that's okay.  The shock of sudden devastation brings on many questions in our human frailness. As I awoke this morning to the videos of the tornadoes in Joplin, MO my heart broke. I'm sure yours did also.  The weather lately isn't "hit or miss" it's more like "hit, hit, hit again !"
    My husband spent most of his day planting in the driest field he could only to sit & watch it pour off & on for an hour after supper.  I wanted to console him just like I want to console all the other victims of this weather, but words seemed empty.  At times like this, I truly don't ask "Why me?" but I so wonder "Why not me?"  I certainly don't deserve God's Grace any more than any one else but I am eternally grateful for it.
     There may be a time in the future when something I would rather not have to deal with will happen to me or my family & I don't know how I will react at that moment.  I only know that in all of this & what may come, I can trust Him.  It's been said that God does not give us grace a head of time, He gives us what we need when we need it.  I believe that with all my heart.  If I try to "plan a head" in what I would do in certain situations I cannot really know because God's Grace will be there to up hold me.
     When Paul arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Acts 11:23  God, I certainly don't deserve Your Amazing Grace & I could ask "why me?"  Yet because of your infinite Grace through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I am able to say "Why not me?"  Thank You.
P.S.  Often when a title comes to mind for a post I have a quick thought as to where it will lead & I jot it down.  As put the Scripture in this post, it was only then that the rest of the post was spoken to my heart & tears came to my eyes.  Through His Spirit He speaks to us if only we take time to listen.

1 comment:

  1. The cartoon made me smile. :) I often think about the same thing... if disaster hit my family or a tragedy, I pray God to give me the strength and peace to walk through it. I know He will.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. They encourage me greatly. Blessings on your day.