A few days after my prior post on "resigning" I was reading my morning devotions for August 28th. The title: He Reigns. It speaks of God being sovereign over the entire universe & He reigns over my little corner of that universe. "Your Heavenly Father may not always reveal Himself as quickly (or as clearly) as you would like. God is in control, He is here & He intends to use you in a wonderful, unexpected way. He desires to lead you along a path of His choosing. Your challenge is to watch, to listen , to learn...and to follow."
Then I looked back at the title & I thought "move the S." When I reSign myself to God's will then He reignS in my life. And as God loves to bring the little things together in our lives I had just purchased a book for my little girls that I used to read to my girls - The King Who Rained by Fred Gwynne (anyone remember him?)
Even the title of this book can be drawn in. For as we resign our lives to God, He will reign in them for His Glory even when it rains !!!! How can we ever doubt a God that is so involved in every detail of our lives even when we don't acknowledge it.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6
Let us not hesitate to allow God to be our All-in-all so that others will see His Son Jesus Christ in us. Let us say to the world, My King Reigns !!!!