My Divine Assignment: To Encourage Others

A dear friend who has gone to be with the Lord once told me I was her Barnabas which Biblically means "encourager." I never saw myself like that, but as I've grown in my walk with the Lord it seems that is my desire. I hope that what I share here will be an encouragement to you as we trust the Lord - for great is His Faithfulness.

My Divine Assignment: To Encourage Others.
In Christ's Love, Shelley

KEEP His JOY IN TRIALS, TEARS & TRIUMPHS ~~ A WOMAN'S HEART SHOULD BE SO COMPLETELY LOST IN God THAT A MAN MUST SEEK Him TO FIND HER ~~ Our desire to learn God's Word must be greater than our need to breathe ~~

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spending Time

Two things everyone spends: time & money. Women are accused of being able to spend money quite easily.  My friend Kylee told me long ago "Women can rationalize anything."  I've never forgotten that, especially when I want something that I don't need. Many men are good at spending time on their hobbies whether it is guns, golf, TV sports, etc.  First, I confess I am a spender when it comes to money - sometimes for the latest neat gadget or the new & improved whatever. I also am a giver & love to buy things for other people. My husband just closes his eyes at all the boxes that show up on our back step. Since I'm making an effort to Simplify (see earlier post) I am no longer interested in having too many things just gathering dust. Same goes for buying the grand-kids "stuff."  I started giving them money to "give, save & spend" & coupons to "spend time" with Don & I for special outings.
My second confession is a bit risky, but when the Lord "nudges" you to confess, you best do it.  As for "spending time" I am OUT-RIGHT SELFISH with it. Because I "rationalize"  that I want to be available if my girls need help, I do not commit much of my time to serving others in my community. I am happy to be a good steward of my money but not so much of my time. (Okay Lord, it's out in the open now.) The thought of this has bothered me lately & "going public" gives me a greater desire to do something about it.  Not because I want to impress anyone, but because I want to please the Lord. We are called to tithe our time as well as our treasures. The picture with this post speaks volumes if you "listen" carefully. Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.   Ephesians 5:15-16, " Be careful how you live. Live as the wise and not the unwise. Redeeming the time, for the days are evil."   How are you doing at spending your time? I'd love to know if I have company on this one.

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. They encourage me greatly. Blessings on your day.